! CAPS-8

! CAPS-8 was an operating system for the PDP-8 computer. We can run it on SIMH PDP-8 emulator.

Session Log:

PDP-8 simulator Open SIMH V4.1-0 Current        git commit id: e444c674
/home/pulkit/Documents/VirtualHub/VMs/SIMH/1970s/1973/CAPS-8/pdp8.ini-3> att ct0 caps8.tu60
%SIM-INFO: CT0: Tape Image 'caps8.tu60' scanned as SIMH format


C2BOOT.BIN            V1
MONTOR.BIN            V2
SYSCOP.BIN            V2
EDIT  .BIN            V1
BASIC .BIN            V1
PALC  .BIN            V2
UTIL  .BIN            V1
BOOT  .BIN            V3


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